Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When and why was Small Angels Rescue founded?
A. Small Angels Rescue was founded in the fall of 2003 to move small animals out of shelters and into foster homes for socialization and attentive care. The Small Angels founders also strived to streamline the adoption process and provide accurate, thorough information to adopters about these often-misunderstood animals. Small Angels works primarily with ‘kill’ or open-admission shelters; moving the animals into our rescue ensures they will not be euthanized.

Q. Where is your shelter located? What hours are you open?
A. We do not have a shelter. Instead, we have a network of foster homes to care for our animals. We are based in Frederick, Maryland, and we work with animal shelters and adopters throughout the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan region. Consequently, the rescue does not have any regular “hours” that we are open or a central shelter location.

Q. From where does Small Angels receive animals?
A. Small Angels Rescue assists animal shelters in the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area when animals are scheduled to be euthanized and when the shelters call us for assistance. Our two primary sources of animals are Frederick County Animal Control and the Montgomery County Animal Services and Adoption Center. We also take in animals surrendered by the public.

Q. How do I surrender my small animal(s) to Small Angels?
A. Our available space for new intakes is often limited, but those looking to surrender their animal(s) should reach out to the animal coordinators of the species they are surrendering. Please see our Contact Us page for emails.

Q. What is your adoption process?
A. To start the adoption process, potential adopters need to email the animal coordinator for the species they are interested in adopting (see our Contact Us page). Our coordinators will then provide information on our available animals, provide our care guides and standards, and send our adoption application. We work with the adopters to clear up any questions or concerns about the information supplied. Once approved adopters then work with the adoption coordinators to schedule adoptions at a time convenient to all parties involved. At the time of adoption, we review care information and make sure the adopter spends ample time visiting with the animal to be adopted. We review our adoption contract, which the adopter signs, and collect the adoption fee. Adoption fees can change from year to year, so please ask our animal coordinators for their current adoption fees.

Q. Why do you charge adoption fees?
A. Adoption fees are used to cover a portion of the cost of caring for the animal(s) until adoption.

Q. Do you ship animals?
A. No. Shipping animals is inhumane, causes stress to the animals, and prevents us from meeting our adopters in person.

Q. What is Small Angels’ policy on breeding?
A. Small Angels opposes breeding of small animals. Adopters are required to sign a contract stating that they will not breed animals adopted from the rescue. We often spay/neuter our guinea pigs allowing them to live in mixed-gender groups. We separate other animals by gender unless-as with Syrian hamsters, male mice, and other individuals—it is necessary to keep them alone.

Q. How can I help Small Angels Rescue?
A. Small Angels needs foster care parents for small animals in our program. We also need financial donations and care item donations. Additionally, we ask that our supporters spread the word that there are many small animals in rescues and shelters looking for homes and that you don’t need to go to a pet store to find a small animal.

Q. From what sources does Small Angels receive revenue?
A. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. We receive income from adoption fees, donations, membership fees, and fundraisers.