
Why Donate?

Small Angels is looking for donations of items ranging from cleaning supplies to timothy hay. To donate supplies, please select items on our Amazon wish lists, or send items from our accepted donations list to our P.O. Box 336; Monrovia, MD 21770

Rats Wishlist

Guinea Pigs Wishlist

Mice & Gerbils Wishlist

Hamsters Wishlist (coming soon!)

Please contact Small Angels before donating supplies by emailing us at: [email protected]

Accepted Care Item Donations

  • Oxbow brand guinea pig pellets, adult rat pellets, timothy hay, and vitamin c treats
  • Higgins Sunburst Hamster and Gerbil food, Science Selective gerbil food, Science Selective rat and mouse pellets
  • Fleece bedding, Carefresh or Kaytee paper bedding, hammocks
  • Water bottles, food dishes, 8 to 12 inch solid wheels, wooden chew toys, wooden, plastic, and ceramic hide-aways
  • Paper towels, white vinegar, and spray bottles (for cleaning)

Questions about donating? Please email us at [email protected]